Saturday, December 3, 2016

Microsoft Interview Experience

Online Coding Test 

1.  Given a boolean matrix mat[N][N] of size MXN, modify it such that if a matrix call mat[i][j] is 1, then make all cells of its row and column as 1.

2. Given a positive integer n, generate all possible unique ways to represent n as sum of positive integers.

3.  There is an array of strings. For example:
Victor, Veronica, Farah, Veronica, Farah, Veronica
Farah and Veronica occurs maximum no of times. As Veronica comes after Farah in alphabetical order, output should be Veronica.

F2F Round 1

1. Clone a linked list with next and random pointers

2. Generate 0 and 1 with 25% and 75% probability

3. Given an infinite stream of integers, find Kth largest element at any point of time.

F2F Round 2

1. Design an entry and exit system for a mall where at max n people can be there at one point of time inside mall

2. Given a matrix where each cell contains x no of gold coins and a constraint that you can only move right or down from top left corner to bottom right corner, find the maximum no of coins that you can collect. Write a code for the same.

F2F Round 3

1. Print all possible partition of a given string into dictionary words. (Variant of word break problem)

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