Saturday, May 24, 2014

Microsoft's most asked interview questions

1 comment:

  1. 1) Check if a Binary Tree is BST or not.

    2) Remove duplicates from a string, do it in-place.

    3) Given a rotated array which is sorted search for an element in it.

    4) Given two linked lists that represent two big numbers (numbers that can not be stored in an int or long long int), write a function that adds the numbers and store the result in a third list.
    Variations of above question like subtract two numbers or multiply two numbers represented by linked lists.

    5) Print last 100 lines of a big file or big string.

    6) Clone a linked list with next and arbit(or random) pointer.

    7) Connect nodes at same level.

    8) Least common ancestor of a binary tree or a binary search tree.

    9) Test case questions like test an ATM.

    10) Run length encoding.

    11) Detect cycle in a linked list.

    12) Given a sorted array of size n. Each element in array is unique and lies from 1 to n+1. Find the missing element. Write code and test cases for the same.

    13) Check if a binary tree is balanced.

    14) Validate a given IP address.

    15) Why do you want to join Microsoft?

    16) Two of the nodes of a BST are swapped. Correct the BST.
