Sunday, October 5, 2014

Adobe Online Test

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Aptitude Test: (Duration : 50 mins)

45 quantitative and analytical questions in 50 mins

Technical test: (Duration: 2hrs)

1. Given a boolean 2D array, where each array is sorted. Find the row with maximum no of 1s.

2. Each number which has 3 at its unit place has a multiple which has all 1s.
  Ex: 3 has 111,  13 has 11111
 Given a number, return the multiple which has all 1s.

3. Recursive multiplication: Multiply two integers without using multiplication , division , bitwise operator and loops.

4. Given a number, find whether it is palindrome or not.

5. Check for balanced parenthesis in an expression.

6. Write a function  with head node as parameter to reverse a linked list.

7. Given an array of integers and a sum s. Find if a pair exists in an array whose sum is equal to s.